The Nutrient NEtwork
Since the beginning of graduate school, I have worked with the Nutrient Network, and helped start our Iowa site. The NutNet is a global research cooperative, where researchers all across the planet use the same experimental design to understand how top down (herbivore removal) and bottom up (nutrient additions) influence grassland communities world-wide. Working with this group for nearly my whole career has given me a unique and extremely collaborative idea about how cutting-edge science can work. I am very grateful to be a part of the Nutrient Network!
Virtual NERD
Not even remotely dorky, we are a group of ISU Eco/Evo NERDs that continue theoretical investigation of the biological world across multiple states, countries and continents, in the digital age. We use our theoretical support network to promote theory in our diverse research programs. Logo credit goes to Catherine Duthie.
Aerodynamics of seed dispersal
In collaboration with the Hu lab in the Iowa State University Department of Aerospace Engineering, I am working with Dr's Hui Hu, Rhea Waldman and Rye Waldman to understand the kinematics and aerodynamics of seeds in flight. This exciting collaboration involved constructing a vertical wind tunnel where we matched the upward wind speed to each seed's terminal velocity so we could image the seeds through the tunnels test section.